Blog: Creating moments of joy with Age Better in Sheffield
Cara McAleese, Moments of Joy Producer, shares how we’ve been bringing music and dance to our extra-care homes.
Age Better in Sheffield deliver joyful ‘Hello Neighbour’ boxes across the city
Age Better in Sheffield has created a free box full of activities, information, and gifts for people aged 50 and over.
Ageing Better guide for housing associations launched
Our guide will help housing associations create communities that are a joy to grow older in.
Ageing Without Limits Action Day: a blog from our Good Practice Mentors
Theme 03 – Tackling ageism through Co-production
Theme 03 – Tackling ageism through Co-production According to Ageing Better’s recent research, ageism is the most widespread form of discrimination in the UK. In this theme you can find out how co-production can support the growth of age-friendly cities, challenge stereotypes, promote positive change, and influence and grow businesses – all of which has […]
Meet the team
Meet the Good Practice Mentors team Jennie Jennie is one of the Good Practice Mentors from South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA). Jennie specialises in using co-production to highlight the voices of people who use services, and how to use strengths-based practice to get the most out of your conversations. Jennie is passionate about creating space […]