This summer, Well Rotherham supported 23 young people on a three-day trip to Brian Cox’s Science Summer School in London.

Well Rotherham is a project that is creating healthy communities by working with local people to inspire change. South Yorkshire Housing Association is delighted to be hosting this innovative public health project that invests in and strengthens our Rotherham communities.

The Summer School was created by Professor Brian Cox and Lord Andrew Mawson, and has been running for eight years. It mixes the best of the STEAM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths – through seminars, discussions and hands-on experiments.

Professor Cox and Lord Mawson have long desired to create a northern satellite event, and Rotherham has been chosen to pioneer the school’s expansion in the North!

The event takes place on the 1st December 2020, and offers the chance for young people, parents, educators, scientists and businesses to explore the future of STEAM in Rotherham.

“Over the next year they’ll be working together to help us co-produce the satellite event. This will be happening in December 2020 and it will be such a joy and privilege to have Professor Brian Cox come and join us.”

Kris Mackay, Programme Manager
Well Rotherham

“It was such a fantastic experience to be able to go to London. Watching these young people, who are so passionate about the world of science, start their journey as ambassadors was an incredible opportunity.”

Kris Mackay, Programme Manager
Well Rotherham

If you’d like to support the event through financial support, delivering project activities, or if you are a parent, school or young person who would like to get involved, please email or call 07493 868 057.