Make a complaint

Our complaints process We aim to get it right – first time and every time. However, if things go wrong, we want our customers to tell us. We’ll use this information to put things right, to learn from mistakes, and to improve our services. How you can let us know about your complaint Our online […]

Customer groups

Customer groups Our customers are involved in every area of South Yorkshire Housing Association; they sit on the Board of Directors, co-produce our services, scrutinise the work we do and tell us when we’re getting it right, and more importantly, when we’re getting it wrong. There are also plenty of informal ways to get involved, […]

Customer groups

Customer groups Our customers are involved in every area of South Yorkshire Housing Association; they sit on the Board of Directors, co-produce our services, scrutinise the work we do and tell us when we’re getting it right, and more importantly, when we’re getting it wrong. There are also plenty of informal ways to get involved, […]